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Author(s): |
Buletova N. E., Sharkevich I. V., |
Number of journal: |
4(49) |
Date: |
November 2019 |
Annotation: |
The subject of research is the system of relations between participants of the regional economy related to ensuring the growth of investments and efficiency of their use at the level of the entities of the Russian Federation. The object of research in this article is the regional economy and its investment activity. The purpose of the scientific work is based on an objective assessment of investment activity indicators and the results of implementation of investment policy of the executive authorities in managing the economic development of the entities of the Russian Federation. In accordance with this goal, the research objectives are to retrospectively analyze the dynamics and structure of fixed capital investments at the regional economy scale; to identify problematic “points” in the investment management; to make forecast calculations of investment volume scenarios; to identify priority structural changes in investments by the source of funding. The research methods used by the authors include traditional methods of statistical accounting and analysis (index method, dynamic analysis, analytical alignment method, comparison, systematization, grouping, graphical method), scenario forecasting method, and coefficient analysis. The results of the study are: construction of scenarios for forecasting the volume of investments in fixed assets (basic, inertial, optimistic), which made it possible to compare the obtained data and the official indicators for forecasting the volume of investments of the Finance Committee of the Volgograd Region and determine the accuracy of these forecasts. According to the results of the calculation of indicators (investment multiplier, coefficient of efficiency of investments in fixed assets by gross regional product), qualitative characteristics of the dynamics of regional investments in fixed assets are indicated and structural analysis is carried out to determine the reserves for increasing the volume of investments in fixed assets. The main conclusions of the study are as follows: the statement about discrepancy between the forecast calculations of the inflow of investments into the economy of the analyzed Volgograd region according to the authors and the executive authority; evidence of the need to predict the correlation of GRP and investment; the relevance of assessing the effectiveness of investments and their structural analysis is determined by the need to apply the obtained results in development and implementation of the investment structural policy of the entity of the Russian Federation. |
Keywords: |
investment activity, regional economy, per capita
investment volume, gross regional product, investment forecast
scenario, investment multiplier, linear dynamics, investment
efficiency, investment structure, public‑private partnership. |
For citation: |
Buletova N. E., Sharkevich I. V. Investment and structural policy of the region: priorities and features of formation
and implementation. Business. Education. Law, 2019, no. 4, pp. 20–26. DOI: 10.25683/VOLBI.2019.49.435. |