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PDF: Author(s): Lapteva A. V., Melnikov Yu. B., Onokhina E. A.,
Number of journal: 4(53) Date: November 2020

In recent years, there has been a feeling that IT is displacing mathematics from its usual place in engineering. As a result, the idea of partial or even complete displacement of mathematics from the education system is gaining popularity. This is due to the incorrect identification of mathematics with its computing apparatus. In our opinion, this one-sided view of mathematics can lead to a disaster not only for the formation of the human resources of the Russian economy, but also for culture in general, since mathematics is an important component of culture (in particular, enriching it with languages with different expressive possibilities and unique grammar, as an example, we can cite the language of geometric drawings), art, sports, etc. Of interest is the theory and practice of reflection in mathematical courses of various aspects of mathematics, not limited to its computing apparatus. The significance of mathematics at the present stage is not diminishing; it is just that its role is becoming different and more diverse. Thus, the specializations of programmers are multiplying and changing; someone needs a deep knowledge of analytical geometry to work with computer graphics, computer geometry, 3D-modeling, someone needs knowledge of numerical methods and mathematical statistics, and someone needs basic knowledge of mathematical courses and one of the programming languages. In this paper, we analyzed the main directions of integration and mutual influence of IT and classical mathematics. Various aspects of interpenetration, stimulating the development and increasing the efficiency of the use of mathematics and IT are considered. An attempt was made to identify the most promising areas of interaction between mathematics and IT in the period of global digitalization.


information technology, computer science, mathematical methods, teaching mathematics, computer modeling, mathematical modeling, multidimensional modeling, integration, models of mathematics, languages of mathematics.

For citation:

Melnikov Yu. B., Onokhina E. A., Lapteva A. V. IT and mathematics: mutual influence and integration. Business. Education. Law, 2020, no. 4, pp. 445–451. DOI: 10.25683/VOLBI.2020.53.452.