PDF: |
Author(s): |
Yudina Yu. G., |
Number of journal: |
4(53) |
Date: |
November 2020 |
Annotation: |
The article presents the formulation and solution of the problem of the development of students’ reflection as a key universal competence of future educational psychologists in the framework of project activities. It is theoretically substantiated and experimentally proved that under a certain system of organizational and pedagogical conditions, project activity is a mechanism for the development of such components of reflection as schematization and objectification in senior students of the psychological and pedagogical direction of training, and in junior students in the psychological and pedagogical direction of training such components reflection as construction and schematization. For this, it is necessary that the concept of the students project includes the collective formulation and solution of divergent tasks by them on psychological and pedagogical material, the implementation of the project involves the development of a strategy and tactics of cooperative action by all project participants to discover ways of solving divergent tasks, and the results of the project must be realized all together with developers and experts in the process of collective and objective assessment of what is happening. In the study, we used a systematic approach to understanding reflection, which assumes its multicomponent and integrity. Depending on the content of the project activities of senior and junior students, certain components develop. In the course of the study, a method for diagnosing the development of reflection components was developed and tested, which has construct validity and inter-expert reliability. The research methodology of the conducted research consists of research works of foreign and domestic scientists in the field of pedagogy and developmental psychology, recognized by the scientific community, as well as many years of experience in teaching and organizing the practice of students in the psychological and pedagogical direction of training. |
Keywords: |
reflection, project activity, student, educational
psychologist, higher education, professional training, standard,
activity approach, universal competences, development. |
For citation: |
Yudina Yu. G. Organizational and pedagogical conditions for development of reflection of students of the
psychological and pedagogical training programs in the framework of project activities. Business. Education. Law, 2020, no. 4,
pp. 459–465. DOI: 10.25683/VOLBI.2020.53.430. |