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PDF: Author(s): D. A. Grishin,
Number of journal: 4(57) Date: November 2021

Crime prevention occupies an important place in the system of measures taken by the state aimed at combating crime. The article is devoted to determining the content of the activities of penal enforcement inspections for the prevention of crimes of convicted persons during the period of serving a sentence. The subject of the article is official statistical data, domestic legislation, and scientific literature on selected issues. An analysis of the performance indicators of penal enforcement inspections indicates a significant number of facts of illegal behavior on the part of persons registered in them. The author draws attention to the existence of the duty of employees of penal enforcement inspections to prevent illegal behavior of supervised persons, which is an important component of their official activity. An analysis of the legal framework for the functioning of these units reveals a lack of coherence in the normative regulation of the respective powers. The article considers the system of preventive measures implemented by employees of penal enforcement inspections, which include preventive conversations, explanatory activities, analysis of personal characteristics of convicts for individualization of work with them, systematic control of the behavior of registered persons, educational work, social adaptation, intensive use of electronic monitoring tools, constant interaction, including using information technologies, with divisions of internal affairs bodies, the administration of enterprises, institutions and organizations where convicts work, local self-government bodies, prosecutor’s offices, courts and public associations. The author comes to the conclusion that careful consideration of the individual characteristics of supervised persons, expansion of the scope of application of information technologies within the framework of the considered area of activity of employees of penal enforcement inspections, organization of their systematic interaction with various law enforcement agencies and civil society institutions will contribute to improving the effectiveness of preventive work.


criminology, crime prevention, crime prevention tools, crime prevention system, preventive activities of penal enforcement inspections, prevention of crime, crime prevention framework, combating crime, crime prevention for convicts, interaction of law enforcement agencies

For citation:

Grishin D. A. Prevention of offences committed by persons sentenced to non-custodial penalties. Business. Education. Law, 2021, no. 4, pp. 247—251. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.25683/VOLBI.2021.57.437.