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PDF: Author(s): Karmanova E. S.,
Number of journal: 4(61) Date: November 2022

In accordance with the new educational standards, the modernization of the process of teaching a second foreign language is carried out step by step, which requires finding new approaches to teaching. This article considers the issue of teaching the section “Writing” while teaching the Chinese language to students of secondary schools in terms of the possibility of implementing a meta-disciplinary approach. This approach implies not only mastering the system of knowledge when studying a second foreign language, but also mastering universal ways of action. The learning process in the implementation of the meta-disciplinary approach implies a conscious attitude towards the material being studied. At the same time, the formed universal learning activities can be used to implement the scientific and cognitive potential of the student at further stages of learning. Different approaches to teaching Chinese are considered: academic, holistic, conscious, systemic, cognitive, and meta-disciplinary. The cognitive and meta-disciplinary approaches to teaching hieroglyphic writing, which are implemented through purposeful teaching of strategies of educational and cognitive activities and formation of universal learning activities, are considered in comparison with each other. A table showing the differences in approaches to teaching writing from the perspective of the representation of the Chinese written sign and the differences in the content of teaching is presented. An analysis of the authors’ textbooks on the Chinese language for the differences in the authors’ vision of the possibilities to achieve meta-disciplinary results is carried out. The analysis confirms the insufficient degree of implementing the meta-disciplinary approach in the practice of teaching Chinese as a second foreign language in secondary schools, which, in turn, is a consequence of the lack of study of the relevant issues at the theoretical level.


Chinese character, writing, universal learning activities, cognitive process, academic-cognitive activities, cognitive approach, meta-subject approach, academic approach, holistic approach, conscious approach, systemic approach, metasubject, sign

For citation:

Karmanova E. S. Meta-subject approach in teaching Chinese writing. Business. Education. Law, 2022, no. 4, pp. 491—495. DOI: 10.25683/VOLBI.2022.61.475.