Terms and conditions of articles publication

The Journal editorial board accepts scientific articles, reviews, surveys, comments reflecting scientific opinions, results and achievements of fundamental and theoretical and applied researches, which have never been published in any other printed or electronic issues in the following areas: economic sciences (main trends), legal sciences and pedagogical sciences.

The editorial board makes decision regarding acceptance of articles or rejection of the article based on their urgency, novelty and scientific value.
Materials that do not correspond to the listed areas of research are not accepted for review.

The author provides a version of the official application for the publication of his scientific article with the title. In compliance with his statement the author permits the editorial board to publish his scientific article in the journal, libraries, any information mass media, Internet in order to distribute scientific ideas, achievements and results in the scientific community and society.

The author (co-authors) takes responsibility for the trustworthy of provided information, accuracy of names, quotations, formulas, numbers and other data presented in the article.

Texts, drawings, illustrations submitted to the editorial board in the manuscripts of the authors of the articles should not be scanned

For the purpose of expert review, the articles received by the editorial board shall be sent for internal review in accordance with the Provision about the rules of direction, review, and publication of scientific articles (materials)  submitted to the editorial board of the scientific journal ‘Business. Education. Law’ for publication.

The scientific articles executed in full compliance with the requirements to publications specified at the journal web site: are approved for review.

In case the review contains recommendation for revision or further development of the scientific article, the author shall be sent comments and/or proposals of the reviewer (without indicating last name, name, patronymic, title and the work place of the reviewer) for their incorporation or further development.

The finished article shall be submitted by the author to the editorial board of the Journal; shall be studied and sent for the repeated review together with author’s response for each comment.

The editorial board keeps the right for revision of the articles without changing the scientific content of the original article. Corrections of spelling and style shall be incorporated in the article by the proof-reader without approval of the author(s). If serious corrections are required, they shall be made upon coordination with the author(s).

The articles submitted to the authors for further development shall be re-sent to the editorial board in the electronic format at the recommended date with incorporated changes and revisions.

After the publication of the journal, all authors are provided with an electronic file with the article in PDF format.

Electronic copy received by the authors can be used by them only for personal scientific demands (speeches, lectures, discussions, further developments, etc.). Original publication shall be mandatory referenced. All requests from the third parties for the article use shall be sent to the editorial board at e-mail:

The articles not accepted for publication shall not be returned. In case of the article rejection, the editorial board shall send the reasoned response to the author.

The editorial board provides reviews to the expert committees of the Higher Attestation Committee upon request.