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PDF: Author(s): Chekushov A. A., Chistyakov M. S., Gordeevtsev E. I.,
Number of journal: 1(50) Date: February 2020

This excursion provides the need for transformational changes in the economic model of the Russian Federation in terms of the relevance of high-tech development, due to foreign policy and foreign economic challenges, contrasting in the format of sanction pressure, which takes the form of aggressive squeezing of Russia from the European energy market. The expediency of diversification of the sectoral structure of the economy is considered; leveling the processes of deindustrialization and the loss of existing technological and human potential; restoration of the manufacturing industry and its strategic basis — the engineering complex. A special technological focus should be assigned to the flagship of industrial potential — the military-industrial complex (MIC), which is a source of advanced dual-use technologies. It is the military-industrial complex that should become the driver of development of domestic engineering and manufacturing industry. Special attention deserves the transfer of technologies and means of production, which, with competent implementation, can ensure import independence of further industrial development. The Russian Federation is in a critically limited range of time resources for building up high technology and industrial equipment that are relevant in modern reality, which makes it extremely dependent on foreign technologies and equipment, since in the predominant part of scientific and technological development (NTR) it has insignificant developments, and formation on their basis of significant technologies involves significant financial resources in a fairly long time range. A certain constraining factor of sanction pressure narrows the range and variations in attracting imported technologies and the financial potential of foreign investors. When activating the emerging set of incentives, it is necessary to change the direction of the deterrent vector of technological re-equipment of Russia and create a favorable atmosphere for foreign investors.


reindustrialization, import substitution, industrial policy, high technologies, innovative development, sanctions, turbulent environment, technological modernization, import independence machine-building complex, targeted software solutions, NBIC technologies.

For citation:

Chekushov A. A., Gordeevtsev E. I., Chistyakov M. S. High technology reindustrial import substitution under turbulence of political and economic challenges. Business. Education. Law, 2020, no. 1, pp. 153–158. DOI: 10.25683/VOLBI.2020.50.111.