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PDF: Author(s): Khudokormov G. A., Sadovoy S. A.,
Number of journal: 1(66) Date: February 2024

Transnational companies (TNCs) are generally considered organizations that play a significant role in the innovation and technological development of host countries. This is partly due to increased competition in markets, encouraging local firms to conduct research, implement innovations, and improve production processes. It is evident that the rational use of resources and opportunities provided by foreign TNCs (with increasing localization requirements for technological and production processes, securing intellectual property rights on developed results for Russian residents) can make a real contribution to the formation of technological sovereignty and the innovative growth of the economy. In order to identify trends in the outsourcing of R&D and professional activities from the perspectives of both TNCs’ home countries and host countries, the OECD AAMNE database was used. The statistic processing of the original data revealed a trend of increasing outsourcing of R&D and professional services, with a clear dominance of American TNCs. Among the most attractive countries for locating TNC subsidiaries, the United States no longer holds undisputed leadership. Due to developed innovation infrastructure and close integration ties, competition to the United States was imposed by the United Kingdom, Germany, and Switzerland. The obtained results have prospects for further research in order to identify factors that determine the attractiveness of countries for locating research-active TNC subsidiaries. However, limitations of the conducted study are associated with a significant lag in data publication, which did not allow for analyzing the period of the coronavirus pandemic and subsequent global economic upheavals.


AAMNE, transnational companies, outsourcing, innovative development, scientific and technological collaborations, R&D, technological development, scientific cooperation, corporations, research

For citation:

Sadovoy S. A., Khudokormov G. A. Participation of transnational companies in the S&T development of host economies. Biznes. Obrazovanie. Pravo = Business. Education. Law. 2024;1(66):122—127. DOI: 10.25683/VOLBI.2024.66.923.