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PDF: Author(s): Emchenko E. A., V. G. Tsarev,
Number of journal: 2(59) Date: May 2022

The article presents an analysis and argumentation of the process of computerization of inventive creativity in the preparation of future engineering specialists. In the presence of a generally accepted algorithm for creating new technical solutions, the importance of computerization of most points of this algorithm, as well as of digitalization of scientific and technical developments that are the result of inventive creativity, is justified. Since the modern requirements of scientific and technological progress are such that an engineer must not only perform tasks efficiently, but also be able to modernize the production cycle by optimizing certain stages of production in order to save energy and financial resources. At the same time, it is possible to create new nodes of technical devices by generating new ideas and implementing engineering ideas into the development of details and improving the design of existing elements of the future product. The ambitiousness of modern times imposes requirements on university graduates, who must possess not only professional competencies, but also have the ability to think creatively. When preparing students of technical specialties, such an opportunity is present in classes on the basics of scientific research, the methodology of organizing the educational process of which is given in this article. The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the educational process is an important component of modern vocational education. The use of information and computer technologies opens up new opportunities for the teacher. Studying any discipline using ICT gives students the opportunity to reflect and participate in the creation of elements of the lesson, which contributes to the development of students’ interest in both the discipline and the topic being studied.


technical creativity, invention, creative idea, technical model, digital twin, computer modeling, educational process, higher school, prototype, industrial device

For citation:

Emchenko E. A., Tsarev V. G. Computerization of inventive creativity in the educational process. Business. Education. Law, 2022, no. 2, pp. 224—228. DOI: 10.25683/VOLBI.2022.59.217.