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PDF: Author(s): Krasnova M. V., N. A. Mukhin,
Number of journal: 2(59) Date: May 2022

In view of the growing demand for various services in the field of non-state school education and in order to strengthen the position of private schools in the market of regional agglomerations, the need to develop a competent strategic and tactical plan for promoting educational services becomes relevant. A private school needs to increase the number of students and increase awareness of the target group about its services and their subsequent transition into consumers. The variability of private education, its versatility, the declared and implemented individual approach — these factors largel ensure the demand for such educational institutions from parents. The educational services market is saturated, potential consumers find it difficult to choose the right school or training center [1]. The peculiarity of advertising, PR and other promotional tools for a non-state educational organization is the need to focus on the pupil’s environment (parents, acquaintances, friends), who make the choice. Due to the current situation, the need for promotion is growing rapidly. To convey information to the population and form an opinion about an educational institution, it is necessary to use PR and advertising tools, therefore communication technologies are an integral part of this area. Within the framework of the article, the organization of advertising activities of a commercial educational organization through the Internet and ways to improve its effectiveness are considered. Marketing activities may include distribution of leaflets, contextual advertising in search engines, Google and Yandex systems, placement of commercials, targeted advertising of the school community on Instagram, etc. The main opportunities of a private school are as follows: expanding marketing activities, improving promotion strategies and, as a result, increasing sales of the services provided.


promotion, cross-marketing, aggregator of educational services, consumers, commercial educational organizations, marketing communication channels, parents, educators, internet marketing, events

For citation:

Krasnova M. V., Mukhin N. A. Promotion tools for commercial educational organizations. Business. Education. Law, 2022, no. 2, pp. 16—21. DOI: 10.25683/VOLBI.2022.59.208.