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PDF: Author(s): M. N. Polukhina, V. G. Sevka,
Number of journal: 2(59) Date: May 2022

The article provides an overview of the category “housing stock” according to the regulatory legal framework; using analytical material on the presence and content of regulatory legal acts that ensure the formation, maintenance, operation and restoration of the housing stock in the Republic of Belarus, Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation. The authors justify approaches to the formation of organizational mechanisms for managing the housing stock by introducing into scientific circulation levels of management (republican, regional, decentralized, personified) and the subject composition of each level, classifying the housing stock as an object of management (for recording the ownership of the property, purposes of use, type of development, technical condition), directions of organizational and economic nature in the process of interaction between the subject and the object while saving resources, aimed at unification of regulatory, statistical, technical requirements and regulations. For further identification of resource saving processes in the housing stock management system, there is a need to establish the category “housing stock” in accordance with the regulatory legal framework and identify types of housing stock. When summarizing the forms and types of housing stock on the basis of various regulatory legal acts, it is concluded that it is necessary to integrate regulatory, technical and statistical information, which will bring quantitative indicators of its availability and condition to the level of making specific management decisions. In order to form a resource-saving policy it is been proposed that the management system of the housing stock should take into account the specifics associated with maintenance, operation, implementation of resource-saving measures at the republican, regional, decentralized and personalized levels in relation to specific types of housing stock that are the object of management.


housing stock, maneuverable housing stock, specialized, service, social, business entities, integration of regulatory requirements, technical regulations, statistical support, resource saving

For citation:

Sevka V. G., Polukhina M. N. Specifics of integrating normative, technical and statistical support for the management of the housing stock. Business. Education. Law, 2022, no. 2, pp. 39—46. DOI: 10.25683/VOLBI.2022.59.229.