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PDF: Author(s): Konev A. V., Kusina L. N., Mironova J. V., Shulgina K. A.,
Number of journal: 2(59) Date: May 2022

The article is devoted to the issues of application of preliminary enrichment, which are relevant for enterprises mining and processing non-ferrous metal ores. Therefore, the design of ore-sorting complexes should be preceded by an assessment of the technical and economic possibilities of using preliminary enrichment. The use of an empirical approach is complicated by the fact that during geological exploration of deposits, the quality of raw materials is not assessed for the requirements of preliminary enrichment, the selection of representative samples of lumpy ore is not regulated, and technological research with them is not regulated. The pre-enrichment indicators established in accordance with the methods of the State Commission on Mineral Reserves, the Russian Geological Society and the Scientific Council for Technological Research Methods do not fully reflect the variability of the characteristics of the chipped rock mass and the need for its special preparation for sorting into enriched and depleted products. The data obtained in this case becomes a source of risk in the preparation of technological regulations and a feasibility study, the reason for the complete or partial loss of investment in the design and construction of ore sorting complexes. In this regard, it becomes necessary to assess the technical and economic possibilities of using preliminary enrichment at the stage of research and development work and a feasibility study for the development of deposits of non-ferrous metal ores, taking into account the risks of operation of ore-sorting complexes with technological indicators established on the basis of geological exploration and testing data, taking into account the cost structure of mining enterprises. As a result, the production cost of marketable products and capital costs for the construction of processing facilities are reduced, and the life cycle of mining enterprises is increased due to the involvement of off-balance ores in processing.


efficiency, rock mass, profit, ore, profitability, feasibility study, pre-enrichment, modeling, environmental efficiency, production cost, investment

For citation:

Shulgina K. A., Kuzina L. N., Mironova Zh. V., Konev A. V. Technical and economic feasibility of preliminary enrichment of non-ferrous metal ores. Business. Education. Law, 2022, no. 2, pp. 50—56. DOI: 10.25683/VOLBI.2022.59.230.