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PDF: Author(s): Xiong Xiaoxiao,
Number of journal: 2(63) Date: May 2023

Music education, as a process that has a final result, consists of two characteristic elements: the first is academic skills and technical mastery of performance and the second is the ability to color music pieces with emotions and to read emotions in the pieces created by other musicians. While all teachers-instrumentalists can teach the first element, and it is also often studied by the researchers, the scientific study of the second element and its inclusion in the learning process as a mandatory one has become more relevant only in the 21st century with the emergence of a large number of those wishing to perform music. The purpose of the work is to offer applied ways of developing students’ skills in working with the emotional component of music pieces. The article discusses the process of obtaining a musical education, aimed at developing the skills to read the emotions of other authors in their works and lay their own emotions in the process of performing or composing music. As a result, the author proposes the following plan of work with the students: music theory study; fostering a sense of pace and dynamics in students; analysis of harmony, tonality, rhythm and other characteristics of the listened pieces of music; studying the spectrum of the sound of the instrument, the influence of timbre on the emotional component; learning improvisation and experimentation. Ultimately the goal of pursuing a musical education in the art of conveying emotion through music is to create a more dynamic and rich emotional landscape in music that reflects the diverse experiences and perspectives of the people who create and listen to it.


musical education, emotional intelligence, empathy, intonation, musical notation, emotions, improvisation, musical creativity, emotional component of music, teaching music

For citation:

Xiong X. Reformation of the emotional content of music in the process of musical education. Biznes. Obrazovanie. Pravo = Business. Education. Law. 2023;2(63):502—507. DOI: 10.25683/VOLBI.2023.63.663.