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PDF: Author(s): Kalabukhova G. V., Shapoval V. V.,
Number of journal: 2(63) Date: May 2023

Currently, among many innovations in higher education, a specific format of higher education is considered as a new direction, borrowed from the Western education system, namely the multidisciplinary bachelor’s program Liberal Arts Education and the others. In the history of the Russian education, this format, which has gone through a difficult path of evolution since the time of the Attic school for free citizens and closely associated with the name of Aristotle, has also been known from its very beginning. Its transfer to Russian soil in the 17th century was associated with a number of difficult circumstances and was directly related to the tasks of institutionalization and formalization of the levels of education. At the same time, such aspects as emphasized continuity in relation to the Greek tradition, the priority of upbringing in relation to education, and an absolutely determined orientation towards the traditional system of values were considered essential. Not all intellectuals perceived the system of formal levels of education as an unconditional blessing. One way or another, it meant the introduction into the practice of personnel assessment of a new regulation and a fundamentally new vision of the path of the individual in education and science. At the same time, the new hierarchy entered into a noticeable contradiction with the class categories already used in society. Similarly, in the modern context, a multidisciplinary bachelor’s degree with an emphatically European name finds itself in not quite certain positions in relation to the current system. Turning to a specific page in the history of education makes it possible to better understand the complexity of the choice and the contradictory circumstances that determined it in the past.


Liberal Arts, history of education, innovation, institutionalization, bachelor’s degree, Aristotle, Western Europe, Rus, higher education, liberal sciences

For citation:

Kalabukhova G. V., Shapoval V. V. Perception of Liberal Arts in Russian lands in the 16th—17th centuries. Biznes. Obrazovanie. Pravo = Business. Education. Law. 2023;2(63):419—423. DOI: 10.25683/VOLBI.2023.63.624.