how can the regional economics be made innovation?

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PDF: Author(s): Kabanov V. A.,
Number of journal: 3(20) Date: August 2012

The article has examined the issues regarding the role of the higher educational institutions of Volgograd in establishing the regional economics on the basis of historical experience of Volgograd region, Russia, USA, Germany. The author has analyzed the factors, which help or prevent the establishing of the regional cluster, innovation, industrial policy, the model of ‘triple spiral’ in the region underlying the role of the state-private partnership and its impact on the stimulation of the demand for innovations. The article has presented the necessity of transition of the national economics to the innovation type of development, of establishing the regional innovation policy, which is a sort of basis of the national innovation break-through.


industrial innovation policy, cluster policy, model of ‘triple spiral’, state-private partnership, innovations, modernization, higher school science, regional economics, social-economic policy, investments

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