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PDF: Author(s): Sharonov S. A.,
Number of journal: 3(28) Date: August 2014

The article expands provision that the state of the contractual regulation of security activity is directly connected with the state of legal regulation of public relations at a specific stage of historical development of the state. It is proved that the contract under consideration had two historical periods in its development: 1) the Soviet period (from the moment of formation of the Soviet state to March 11, 1992); 2) the modern period (from March 11, 1992 to present). On the basis of experience of accumulated knowledge, taking into account development of contractual relations of the security activity, the notion «contract for protection» is formulated. The result of this study is introduction of the concept of «the contract of protection» to the conceptual framework of the draft of the Federal law «On security activity in the Russian Federation».


dynamics, contract for protection, historical periods, protection, objects of protection, security agency, security services, entrepreneurial activity, illegal encroachments, private security activities

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