Evaluation of implementation of the cluster approach in the program «Development of domestic and inbound tourism in the Russian Federation (2011—2018)»

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PDF: Author(s): Tyutyusheva A. G.,
Number of journal: 3(32) Date: August 2015

The article examines the program «Development of domestic and inbound tourism in the Russian Federation (2011—2018)» as one of the main documents in the field of tourism development. Assessment of implementation of the objectives set in the program (2011—2018) for formation of tourism clusters at the territory of the Russian Federation is done. Tourism potential of the Federal districts and regions of the Russian Federation is examined. The article reviews tourism clusters already established and being developed at the territory of the Russian Federation, analyzes dynamics of the tourist flow in the RF. The study of implementation of the program for development of tourism gives an idea how fast the tourism is developed in Russia, and how effectively tasks set by legal enactments and aimed at improving of the tourism industry in Russia are implemented


tourism, development of tourism, domestic tourism, outbound tourism, program of tourism development, tourist destinations, tourist flow, tourist cluster, tourism potential, tourism in the Federal districts

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