204 БИЗНЕС. ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ. ПРАВО. ВЕСТНИК ВОЛГОГРАДСКОГО ИНСТИТУТА БИЗНЕСА, 2018, август № 3 (44). Подписные индексы – 38683, Р8683 УДК 334.012.4 ББК 65.050.2 DOI: 10.25683/VOLBI.2018.44.324 Chernov Sergey Sergeevich, candidate of economics, assistant professor, head of the department of Industrial management and economics of energy of Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk, e-mail: che

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PDF: Author(s): Сhеrnоv S. S.,
Number of journal: 3(44) Date: August 2018

Public-private partnership as an effective mechanism of interaction between the state and the private sector for implementation of investment projects is currently one of the most promising forms of interaction, both in the Russian economy and in the foreign economy. However, the implementation of the mechanism of public-private partnership in the foreign economic system dates back to the end of the 20th century and dates from the first contracts concluded in the UK in 1981, and since 1992 the government of J. Major has announced a new form of PPP — the «Private Financial Initiative» (PFI — Private Finance Initiative) [1, p. 119], thus PPP in foreign practice has a history of more than 25 years, which allows us to talk about the available certain regulatory, methodological and practical basis. In the context of the Russian regulatory framework, public-private partnerships are defined as a legally binding agreement based on the pooling of resources, allocation of risks between partners (public and private), with a view to implementing, on the basis of an agreement, a mechanism for attracting private investment in the economy and ensuring the improvement of quality, accessibility and competitiveness of goods, works, and services, the provision of which is entrusted to the powers of state and municipal authorities. Within the framework of the scientific article, the author analyzed current and urgent research conducted by The World Bank and other research groups on public-private partnerships as the most effective and promising direction for interaction between the private sector of the economy and the state with the aim of implementing infrastructure investment projects. In the course of the study, the author looks at the main forms and models of PPP implementation in foreign practice, analyzes the mechanism for its implementation, taking into account such aspects as the duration (period) of the project. Additionally, on the basis of available data, the weaknesses of PPPs in foreign countries are analyzed, which makes it possible to determine their origin, analyze the impact on the projects and design the possible results taking into account their influence.


public private partnership, concession, contract, phase, agreement, responsibility, risks, duration, four-phase PPP project cycle, experience, economy, contract.

For citation:

Chernov S. S. Foreign experience in implementation of THE public-private partnerships // Business. Education. Law. 2018. No. 3 (44). P. 204–209. DOI: 0.25683/VOLBI.2018.44.324.