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PDF: Author(s): Bukina N. N., Malkova E. G.,
Number of journal: 3(64) Date: August 2023

This article presents a comprehensive analysis of the hermeneutic method application to form the universal competences of future lawyers. The relevance of the problem is justified by the necessity to find integrative solutions that meet the competence-based approach goals and objectives in modern education. To solve this problem, the authors explore the dialectical relationship between the hermeneutic and competence-based approaches in terms of the general methodology of the cognitive-reflexive property that meets the new generation federal state educational standards. To achieve concrete results, the possibility of integrating hermeneutic ideas into the structure and content of educational programs of higher education of the juridic enlarged group (specialist, bachelor’s, and master’s degree) is considered. According to the results of the research, the integrative property of the hermeneutic approach is associated with the possibility of designing legal educational programs, considering the interpretive methods of hermeneutic science, in which the relationship between the process of forming universal competences and the general methodology for constructing the educational process would be effectively implemented. From the standpoint of hermeneutic experience, the properties of dialogism and semantic contextualism are analyzed as components of the methodology of cognition in the process of legal professionals’ training and education. It is determined that the finalized competence of graduates should include the ability of a qualified specialist to integrate in their minds and activities the knowledge, skills and abilities gained through the processes of understanding and interpreting various discourses (legal, political, etc.) and contexts (intercultural, inclusive etc.). In the final part it is indicated that the hermeneutic approach is addressed to the semantic and value problems of the phenomena under study, which, together with the results obtained, allows us to confirm the hypothesis of the hermeneutic method applicability in the system of legal education in terms of the spiritual, moral and worldview tasks implementation, holistically covered by a group of universal competences. It seems that the thoughtful application of the hermeneutic interpretive methodology can potentially reproduce equally high-quality results in other specialties of higher education.


higher education, hermeneutic approach, dialogism, integrative method, competence-based approach, contextualism, educational methodology, pedagogical hermeneutics, universal competence, federal state educational standard, legal education

For citation:

Malkova E. G., Bukina N. N. Hermeneutical approach as an integrative method of forming future lawyers’ universal competences. Biznes. Obrazovanie. Pravo = Business. Education. Law. 2023;3(64):458—463. DOI: 10.25683/VOLBI.2023.64.735.