Main presumptions of copyright

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PDF: Author(s): Kotelnikov N. V., Morodumov R. N.,
Number of journal: 4(33) Date: November 2015

The most significant presumptions of copyright are being studied in the article: presumption of creativity and presumption of authorship. According to the assumption accepted in the doctrine of copyright, the result of intellectual activity is considered to be made with the author’s creative activity. This presumption is used for settlement of disputes on protectability of objects of copyright. The authorship presumption provided by the law indicates the authorship of the person stated as the author on the original or a copy of a written work. This presumption is intended to determine the personality of the work creator. On the basis of the contents, interpretation and practice of these presumption usage analysis the recommendations on their application were worked out to examine disputes and protect copyright.


intellectual property, intellectual rights, copyright, presumption, presumption of authorship, presumption of creativity, author, copyright holder, copyright protection

For citation:

Kotelnikov N. V., Morodumov R. N. Main presumptions of copyright // Business. Education. Law. Bulletin of Volgograd Business Institute. 2015. № 4 (33). P. 285—289.