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PDF: Author(s): Evtushenko I. V., Kotova G. L., Nemtsova E. S., Ter-Grigoriants R. G.,
Number of journal: 4(49) Date: November 2019

The article presents the results of the study of modern methods, tools and means of ensuring the availability of additional education for children, taking into account the needs and characteristics of children of different categories, including children with disabilities, children living in rural areas, children from families in difficult situations and children from poor families. The availability of additional education for children is influenced by many factors: institutional, economic, social, territorial, organizational, informational and pedagogical. Each of these factors or several of them at the same time can have both positive and negative impact on the conditions, process and result of the implementation of additional education programs for children of different categories. Access to informal education for children is ensured by Federal, regional and local Executive authorities. However, a fundamental role in this process is played by individual educational organizations and their administrative, managerial and pedagogical staff. A special role in the system of informal education of children is assigned to General education platforms that will help teachers to organize the learning process more effectively, and the student is easier to adapt in society. The use of modern electronic educational resources in teaching, as well as various variants of innovative computer technologies will increase the accessibility of informal education for children of different categories.


accessibility, additional education of children, additional educational programs, pedagogical support, inclusive education, individualization, rural society, information and communication technologies, electronic resource, gamification.

For citation:

Evtushenko I. V., Ter-Grigoriants R. G., Kotova G. L., Nemtsova E. S. Pedagogical tools to ensure the availability of supplementary education for children. Business. Education. Law, 2019, no. 4, pp. 378–385. DOI: 10.25683/VOLBI.2019.49.469.