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PDF: Author(s): Slyusarskaya T. V., Turamuratova N. A.,
Number of journal: 4(61) Date: November 2022

Preschool education in the modern system of level education in the Russian Federation is the foundation of the system of general education, since it is at preschool age that important targets are formed that prepare a preschool child for school and introduce him to the social and cultural values of society. One of such targets at the stage of completion of preschool education is determined by the possession of initial knowledge about oneself, about the natural and social world in which one lives (sensory development). Exploring the processes of formation of images of the external world, a number of authors emphasize that their completeness and safety depend on the development of the sensory sphere, as well as the nature and the time of onset of the visual impairment. The aim of the study was to theoretically and empirically study the features of sensory development in preschoolers with amblyopia and strabismus, which made it possible to identify the general level of sensory development and characteristic features of the development of sensory standards of color, shape and magnitude. At the stage of ascertaining the primary results of the study, it was noted that children of the studied category (visual impairment in the form of amblyopia and strabismus) formed ideas about sensory standards with specificity and not in full. The difficulties of the process of forming the sensory sphere of preschoolers with visual impairment can additionally include the specific development of all mental processes: thinking, attention, memory, etc. The results obtained will allow us to develop a comprehensive model of the organization of the correctional and educational process aimed at the development of sensory standards in older preschoolers with visual pathology. As an effective corrective means of sensory development of preschoolers with visual pathology, visual creativity is planned, which will serve as a source for further research.


sensory sphere, sensory development, sensory standard, perception, polysensory perception, senior preschool age, visual pathology, amblyopia, strabismus (strabismus), visual creativity

For citation:

Slyusarskaya T. V., Turamuratova N. A. Features of sensory development of older preschool children with amblyopia and strabismus. Business. Education. Law, 2022, no. 4, pp. 472—475. DOI: 10.25683/VOLBI.2022.61.464.