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PDF: Author(s): Kutsev V. V.,
Number of journal: 4(65) Date: November 2023

Article examines the personality characteristics of the subject of crimes in the field of drug trafficking. Studying the identity of the criminal is an important direction in the fight against illicit trafficking in psychotropic substances and narcotic drugs. The concept of “personality of a criminal” covers moral-psychological, socio-demographic, criminal-legal and other signs, properties and characteristics that identify a person who commits crimes in the field of drug trafficking. During the study, the author analyzed the concept of “personality of the criminal”; the characteristics and personality traits that determine the commission of crimes in the field of drug trafficking are considered; the motivation of drug criminals is determined; some personality traits of drug criminals are studied according to such criteria as social status (gender, age, marital status, education, nationality); legal status; socio-psychological attitudes. The result of the study was the development of a classification of subjects of crimes in the field of drug trafficking based on the criterion of social status. According to this classification criterion, three types of drug criminals are identified — a special type (persons with a high social status, occupying a high place in the hierarchy of drug crime, creating conditions for the prosperity of the drug business; this category also includes law enforcement officers who patronize criminals); type of drug criminals with average social status (the most numerous category); type of drug criminals with low social status (pledgers, couriers, drug addicts, including minors and women). The significance of the study is that knowledge of the characteristics (including social status) of the personality of drug criminals allows us to more effectively combat drug trafficking and prevent the commission of new crimes.


drug trafficking, drugs, drug business, drug crimes, subject of crime, drug criminals, personality, social status, legal status, socio-psychological portrait

For citation:

Kutsev V. V. Personality peculiarities of subjects of crimes in the sphere of illicit drug trafficking. Biznes. Obrazovanie. Pravo = Business. Education. Law. 2023;4(65):205—208. DOI: 10.25683/VOLBI.2023.65.813.