Some features of development of agricultural complex of the baikal region: economic and statistical aspect

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PDF: Author(s): Bagaynikov M. L.,
Number of journal: 2(31) Date: May 2015

This article discusses some aspects of development of agricultural complex of the Baikal region in terms of qualitative analysis, as well as the qualitative one. In particular, the assessment of the agricultural sector value in the economic performance of the Baikal region is provided, and the main economic indicators characterizing the level of its development are revealed. These indicators include: gross agricultural output produced by the farmers in the region; production of major products of different categories of households; volume indicators of output in real terms; resource potential of the industry, etc. The article presents the number of justifications of the statement that the agricultural complex of the Baikal region is potentially able to play much more important role in functioning of the regional economy than it is considered to be at the moment.


agriculture, regional economics, the Baikal region, economics of the Baikal region, regional agriculture, agricultural statistics, food complex, agribusiness, agricultural production, agricultural production efficiency

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