Quality control and principles of ecological marketing in russian economics

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PDF: Author(s): Gavrilenko A. V., Rozova S. V., Simonyan T. A.,
Number of journal: 2(31) Date: May 2015

This article examines the current problems of environmental marketing in the Russian economy. The issues of the concept of sustainable development of socio-ecological and economic systems in environmental marketing are highlighted, which focused on the use of the approach to the formation of the criteria of sustainable development entrepreneurial structure with regard to three main aspects of the company’s efficiency. The urgency to develop of new strategies with introduction of the elements of quality control in the environmental marketing of the companies is demonstrated. The authors stressed the need for further development of this area with regard to the criteria of socio-ecological and economic systems.


environmental marketing, quality control, enterprise (organization, company), transformation processes, integration of economic policy, integration of environmental policy, natureprotection activity, development of strategy, ecological support of economics strategy, socio-ecological-economic systems

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