Insentive basis of the intellectual capital reproduction

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PDF: Author(s): Ivanyuk I. A., Vorotilova Q. A.,
Number of journal: 3(24) Date: August 2013

The article has investigated the incentive bases of employees stimulation aimed at increasing of innovation activity, professional skills and intellectual potential of personnel. Incentive models of business and incentive models of the intellect supplement each other; their joint application is required for achieving effective development of business structures. The specifics of incentive model of the intellect have been determined, as well as its role in reproduction of intellectual capital. Intellectual capital performs the complete process of movement, forming and implementing itself as the economic system. Reproduction of intellectual capital is connected with involvement of investments. The possibilities of expenses recoupment and getting income are formed only at the stage of capital materialization determined by marketing system functioning. The probability of achieving the result is increased with the growth of interaction of competing business structures.


incentive models of intellect, peculiarities of pricing of intellectual products, characteristic of incentive model, specifics of intellect incentive model, intellectual capital, innovation activity, marketing system, reproduction of intellectual capital, innovations, incentive

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