The use of indicator of value added in the russian language publications of 2014—2015

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PDF: Author(s): Kabanov V. N.,
Number of journal: 3(32) Date: August 2015

The article presents a review of the Russian-language publications published in scientific electronic library eLIBRARY in 2014—2015. All scientific articles are split into 4 groups. The first group includes scientific articles describing the use of the indicator «value added» when measuring economic growth. The second group includes models that use GDP as a variable value. The third group includes results of the structure of value added. The fourth group includes results of application of the added value in assessing the socio-economic status of population. The results of studying the indicator «value added» obtained with participation of the author of this publication are presented, as well as prospective trends of scientific research are formulated.


value added, gross domestic product, gross regional product, System of National Accounts, structure of value added, economic growth, economic-mathematical model, social-economic situation, types of economic activity, consumption, distribution

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