Architectural project as a unit of linguistic didactics analysis on the paradigm of professionally-oriented education

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PDF: Author(s): Kozlova O. P., Tsoy A. I.,
Number of journal: 3(32) Date: August 2015

This article examines the problems of teaching foreign language for students of higher technical educational institution specializing in architecture and construction, analyzes the issues of development of the linguistic identity of future professionals. Peculiarities of foreign language teaching with regard to demands of future architectures and builders in the modern environment are presented. Architectural project is used as an object of linguistic-didactic analysis. The abilities and skills required for the foreign-language presentation of architectural project are underlined. The authors of the article expand the concept of communicative competence of students learning architecture and construction. Definition of the foreign-language project and technical competence is provided as a compulsory component of the professional foreign-language competence of the technical university students.


teaching, foreign languages, linguistic didactic analysis, architecture and construction specialties, higher school students, linguistic didactics, linguistics, architectural project, communicative competence, foreign competence

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