Degree of development of the sovereign territory specified by the real value of intellectual capita

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PDF: Author(s): Smetanina T. V., Zhikina O. V.,
Number of journal: 3(32) Date: August 2015

The article examines the issues of evaluation of intellectual capital, its role in formation of the territory status, to which it belongs. The role of intellectual capital in determining the level of the territory standardization is emphasized; the common features of the individual, organization, and the sovereign of the territory intellectual capital are identified, as well as of development of the theoretical concepts of intellectual capital. The place of Russia among the countries in terms of GDP level per individual with high level of education is determined by means of correlation of the share of individuals with higher education and GDP growth by countries. The article defines the real value of intellectual capital. The conclusions about the relations between the value of intellectual capital (tangible and intangible) and the practical implementation of the results of its activities are made. The article has a theoretical orientation.


intellectual capital, sovereign territory, individual, evaluation methods, competitiveness, standardization, cost, intangible assets, human capital, individual intellectual capital, index of economic freedom, human development index

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