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PDF: Author(s): Epinina V. S., Korobov S. A., Marusinina E. Yu., Moseiko V. O.,
Number of journal: 1(46) Date: February 2019

The article proposes a methodical approach to assessing the competitiveness of territorial business systems in the innovation aspect of their activity, based on the determination of the integral index of competitiveness, including private indices of competitiveness in the long-term and short-term periods, which are calculated using four indicators that determine the level of functionality, system, proactivity and organic systems. The functionality of the system directs its activity towards the achievement of the main result the satisfaction of the actors’ needs. Consistency focuses management to ensure the classification and further system implementation of all processes within the system, as well as the integrated application of budgeting, administration, regulation, and regulation procedures. Proactivity of the system dictates the need to adapt to current threats and emerging opportunities, creating conditions for innovative activity. To acquire organic matter, it is necessary to orient the management towards ensuring the interchangeability of personnel and forming teamwork through the integration of both the internal environment of the organization and the organization itself with the external environment. As a methodological substantiation of the approach, an adapted methodology for managing the organization of I. Adizes is proposed, which is focused on achieving a high quality of managerial practice, which makes it possible to consider it as an effective tool for successful management. The novelty of the proposed methodological approach is that the final indices of innovative competitiveness are determined by the change in the corresponding indices of «traditional» competitiveness. Thus, the private indices of the innovative competitiveness of the territorial business system in the short and long term are determined by the increase (decrease) of the corresponding private indices of the competitiveness of this system. The total index of innovation competitiveness of the system is determined by the increase (decrease) of the corresponding index of its competitiveness.


competitiveness, territorial entrepreneurial system, innovation activity, evaluation, integral index of innovative competitiveness of the system, functionality, systematic, proactive, organic.

For citation:

Moseyko V. O., Epinina V. S., Marusinina E. Yu., Korobov S. A. Specificity of evaluation of competitiveness of territorial entrepreneurship systems in the innovation aspect of their activity // Business. Education. Law. 2019. No. 1 (46). Pp. 76–81. DOI: 10.25683/VOLBI.2019.46.133.