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Journal № 3(7), August 2008
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Congress of Social Education Movement in Russia
Lukyanova V. A.
The Quality of Personnel Is the Basic Law of an Educational Institution
Kuchmieva S. I.
Laws and Regulatory Legal Acts as the Instrument of Human Resources' Development Control in the Region
Pavlik L. G.
Problems of Legal Regulations of State Service and Personnel Policy in the System of Federal Executive Authority
Lukash A. I.
Legality as the Factor of Democratic Development of a Society
Rostovshchikov I. V.
Lawyers and Political Activity
Melnichenko R. G.
Theoretical Approach to the Problem of Definition of the Term 'Political and Legal Regime of a Social State'
Bychek T. V.
Legality and Law in Political and Legal Studies of Russian Monarchists of the XIX-XX Centuries
Tushkanov I. V.
The Classification of Legal Professions in Modern Russia
Melnichenko R. G.
Synergetics and Criminology: New Possibilities of the System Approach to the Study of Criminality
Gorshenkov G. N.
Problems of Efficiency Enhancement of the Law-Making Process
Kozyuk M. N.
Legal Support of Venture Financing in Russia
Mikhailova E. V.
Problems of Social Dependence of Criminal Responsibility for Obstruction of Justice and Pursuing of Preliminary Investigation (Article 294 of the CCRF)
Namnyasev V. V.
Criminological Aspects of Life Safety Insurance of the Population of the Chechen Republic
Tazabaev R. Kh.
A Personality of Juvenile Criminal
Pikurov O. N.
An Integrated System of Continuous Legal Education and Legal Enlightenment of Population (by the Example of Volgograd Region)
Sibiryakov S. L.
Corruption as a Threat for Anticriminal Security
Gorshenkov G. G.
Normative-Legal Base of the Ecological Security in Russia
Aborvalova O. N., Fedorova O. S., Kitsenko N. A.
Illegal Issue of the Russian Federation Citizen Passport and Introduction in Documents of Some A Priori False Intelligence Entailing an Unlawful Acquisition of Nationality of the Russian Federation: Criminal Characteristic
Izosimov S. V.
Constitutional and Legal Responsibility of Legislative Authorities of Government of the Russian Federation Constituent Entities
Zasobina T. B.
Russian Legislation in the Protection and Realization of Constitutional Rights of a Child
Bondarenko O. A.
Problems of Making of Judicial-Psychiatric Examinations
Kolmakov P. A.
Participation in Shared Construction: Can Householders Association Build a House?
Lebedev M. V.
Reforms of Local Self-Govemment and Budgeting in the Russian Federation
Fomina Zh. S.
Land Easement in the Russian Federation
Anisimov A. P., Belousova G. A.
Legislative Control of Freedom of Association and the Order of Formation of Political Parties in the Russian Federation
Dolidze N. I.
Normative Consolidation of Forms of Direct Participation of the Population in Realization of Local Self-Government
Korosteleva M. V.
Principle of Self-Determination of Peoples in Modern Realities of International Law
Goncharenko V. D.
Court Practice in Questions of Appeals of Refusals in State Registration of Rights for Real Property and Settlements on the Basis of Acts of Public Authority and Local Government in the Territory of Volgograd Region in 2005-2008
Chuikin A. A., Makarov D. S.
State Registration of Rights for Real Property and Settlements: How to Avoid Legal Controversy?
Chuikin A. A.
Legal Regulation of Trading Activity in the Russian Federation
Semenenko D. V.
Prospects of Directing Private Money to Financing of Future Pension
Gaidadina I. V.
Voting rights of Juveniles in the Aspect of Adaptation of Constitutional and Legal Norms to the Sociocultural Sphere of the Russian Society
Dolgova N. A.
Contemporary Problems of Education in Protection of Rights of a Child
Borisova N. E.
Model of Russian Education - 2020 and the Development of Education in Volgograd Institute of Business
Kaminsky E. I.
Scientific Research as an Effective Form of Education and Training of Students at the Modern Level of Development of the System of Continuous Legal Education in NOU VPO VIP
Sibiryakov S. L.
Competence Approach as an Instrument of Realization of Legal Base of Professional Education
Donika A. D., Donika D. D.
Problems of Legal Regulation of Quality Management of Education in the Russian Federation
Goncharenko E. V.
Complementary Education of Children as a Part of Modern General Education
Yastrebov V. V.
Housing Law as a Part of Higher Vocational Education
Zaitseva N. V.
Organizational Questions of the Realization of Distance Education in the Institute of Higher Education
Strelnikov O. I.
Formation of Information Competence of a Student in the Institute of Higher Education
Faizulina E. A.
Management of the Development of Institute Electronic Library of the Institute of Higher Education: Problems and Prospects
Faizulina E. A.